✅Dehydrated Lime + Lemon Peel + Dandelion Leaf+ Maple Syrup
✅Option: 1) In Sachet ₱ 35.00
✅ 2) As Fruit Juice ₱ 45.00 (Size: 500 ml)
✅ Benefits: Lime tea is good for weight loss. . Lemon peel is diuretic, improves digestion and immune boosting. Dandelion Leaf is liver detoxifying promotes weight loss and anti-aging.
✅ How to Prepare:Boil two (2) cups of water. Put the lemon peel from the sachet and let simmer in low heat for 3 minutes. Remove from heat, add lime and dandelion leaf and let it steep for 10 minutes and add Honey (add according to the amount of sweetness you prefer.. Let it cool. May drink warm or cold. (If cold, may chill or add ice after cool down)
SKU: 10313